I suggest you read my first post to gain an idea of why I'm doing this blog!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

New Idea

OK so posting the morning of the day AFTER is DEFINITELY going to work better.  So far, school is awesome!  I love it so much!  And the only class I was dreading - my 3 hour biology night class - one of my BEST friends from the music program is in it, and so it goes much faster!  Not to mention the professor ROCKS and it was only 2 hours long last night!  Indeed - I am excited.  The only downside is waking up while still tired - but I'm sure I can fix that eventually.  I need to do laundry - which is another bettering myself goal - do it before it needs to be done!  Haha! 

The Bento Box idea was GREAT!  I just took a 'summer sausage' and cheese for my 'main dish' (I know - lots of sodium - but low calories), and pretzels (the recommended amount) and veggies with dip! YUM!  I even rode my bike to class in the near or below freezing temperatures - and loved it!  PLUS I'm keeping up with my practicing - and actually doing the reading for my classes!  It's going to be a good year - already starting out well!  I'm just trying to get into a good routine now - and hoping I see results!

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