I suggest you read my first post to gain an idea of why I'm doing this blog!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Depression Sucks

Discovery:  You know how when someone is crying, and then someone hugs them, they start crying harder?  That extra burst of tears is gratitude for knowing someone cares.

No one should be allowed to cry from depression in the middle of a group of 'friends' and have no one notice or care....  This happened to me tonight.


  1. Depression sucks and hurts and not many people understand it which makes it worse.

    I hope you are okay x

  2. That shouldn't happen. I wonder if they just didn't know how to deal with it, rather than that they didn't care? One way or the other, here's a virtual hug! Take care.

  3. A virtual hug from me too! Feeling down is one of the worst feelings. Hope you feel better soon.

  4. It's hard to be the sad person in a happy group... sometimes they just don't know what to say, or worry that they can't help. Either way, they SHOULD HAVE TRIED to comfort you, it's no excuse! Misery loves company, that's what friends are for! I know I am a total stranger, but I can empathize and I hope you are feeling better now! Take care!

  5. Luna,...no one should have to feel that. So sorry! I am sending you a virtual hug as well.
