I suggest you read my first post to gain an idea of why I'm doing this blog!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Happy Sunday!

Can I just say how much I absolutely LOVE Sundays?  Yes- it is totally mostly because I go to church with the guy I'm sorta dating and I love the opportunity to see him whenever I can.  I'm not going to call it love - but he is part of the inspiration for this blog - and he doesn't even know about it.  No, he's never mentioned nything about my weight or looks - positively or negatively (we aren't really that close quite yet though).  But yeah - I love seeing him.  I feel so comfortable around him, and he always knows how to put a smile on my face and a giggle in my mouth.  On days I see him, I glow the rest of the day, and it's almost impossible for me to be upset or frustrated.  I want to be better for him.  On the off chance that he proposes to me someday - I want to be able to look gorgeous in a wedding gown (and in the teddy that night - I believe in abstinence until marriage).  I've never felt this way about someone before.  I have been twitterpated - and even thought I was in love with a guy - but I had never been more mistaken.  Once again, I'm not saying I'm in love with him, but I am saying that I'm on the verge of falling in love with him.  Besides the fact that he's (IMHO) the perfect guy, he treats me perfectly too.  He makes me smile when he thinks I could need it - or just because he likes my giggle.  He knows when to leave me alone.  He doesn't move to fast.  We both have a need for our own personal time.  Being a religious person (atheists please ignore, avert your eyes, or choose to be open minded, but rude comments will not be permitted), I believe that the Lord (or fate or whatever higher being you may or may not believe in) has been trying to teach me patience.  Now I know why I need it.  This guy - we'll call him Johnny - moves slow.  Very slow.  And I don't mind at all.  On our first date he sat with a seat between us because he was so nervous - it was cute!  He's not into holding hands (that's what I'm guessing since we haven't held hands yet but he's fine putting his arm around me), but he has a self-acclaimed sweating problem that would make me awkward about physical contact also.  Trust me, I still have my freak out moments about whether or not he really likes me or if I'm blowing a friendship out of proportion, but after well over 10 dates, a few of which he paid for, and other little hints along the way, I'm pretty sure we're going to make SOMETHING of this.

Today I've been really good without even trying!  I didn't have breakfast because I was fasting.  For lunch I had a turkey sandwich - toasted (for some reason toasting lowers calories slightly?).  It was fabulous!  I resisted having soda and opted for Raspberry Lemonade instead.  It was quite bitter - signifying that it was probably close to sugar free.  For dinner I had this AWESOME Garlic Steak which I purchased  from Schwanns (it is really delicious - you get 4 for about 18 bucks - but it's TOTALLY worth the price, and they're packaged individually).  It has only 290 calories, not bad for a REALLY delicious and very filling steak.  Add a bit of corn to that and water to drink and I had a really healthy, really delicious meal.  Because my church is 3 hours long, plus an hour both ways for travel, I didn't really have time to work out - but I'll get that done tomorrow.  Besides - I was really careful with my food today.  Thanks for reading!  Oh - PS, I'm feeling MUCH MUCH better!


  1. Absolutely nothing wrong with taking things slow. Gives you both a chance to really get to know each other. Good for you.

    Garlic steak sounds fantastic...although i would probably pair it with sauteed or roasted asparagus...just my preference, though.

    Keep blogging...and check out my blog when you have a chance!!

  2. I didn't know toasting lowers calories!

  3. One piece of criticism - do NOT skip breakfast as part of your weight loss plan! Eating breakfast helps keep your appetite down throughout the day! There are loads of articles and studies that show that eating breakfast actually helps with weight loss. So at the risk of sounding like a broken record, don't skip it!

    A full, balanced breakfast, and small, healthy light meals/snacks throughout the day.
